Putting together an affordable survival kit? Here are some of the items you’ll need

Every prepper understands the value of preserving an item’s functionality for as long as possible. As long as something can still work, it doesn’t need to be thrown away and replaced, but even if something no longer works, it can still possibly be repaired. Mending broken items isn’t just a useful hobby. It can help you save your money, which means you get to allocate more of your funds towards your other prepping needs. A cheapskate survival kit can go a long way in keeping your prepping budget under control. Here are the items you should have in your cheapskate survival kit for all your DIY makeshift repairing needs. (h/t to TheOrganicPrepper.com)

Duct tape

Duct tape is useful for all sorts of hasty repairs and improvised attachments. Nearly anything that needs to be held together or kept in place can be fixed with a little duct tape. It won’t make the nicest-looking repairs, but it can certainly keep your belongings functional and intact. Good quality brands of duct tape have both incredible sticking power and thick, durable fabric backing. (Related: 18 low-cost REPAIR items preppers are stockpiling to keep things running once the civil war begins.)

Safety pins

If you need to do any makeshift clothing repairs, safety pins will be your best friends. They can secure your cloth while you make the necessary stitches. Aside from that, you can use safety pins to attach small items to your clothes and other gear, or hang things to dry. You can use them to turn a scarf into a DIY pillow cover or turn a shirt into an improvised arm sling. They can even be used to secure bandages in place. If you happen to have enough cordage, you can affix safety pins to them to serve as makeshift fish hooks. With enough safety pins, you could also fashion a temporary shelter by attaching several blankets or pieces of clothing together.

Zip ties

Zip ties, or cable ties, are the next best alternative to duct tape. They won’t stick the same way duct tape does, but they can hold things together, and they are even more durable than rubber bands. You can use zip ties to fasten hanging gear to your bug-out bag or secure wobbly plant vines that need to remain upright and stabilized in order to grow properly. You can rely on zip ties to hold up anything that needs to hang above the ground, provided the item is not too heavy. If you have a maze of electrical wires at home, you can keep them organized with the help of a few brightly colored zip ties.

Hot glue gun

More sturdy and stable than safety pins and zip ties, a hot glue gun should really be able to explain itself when it comes to making DIY repairs. When used properly, a hot glue gun can “weld” items together more permanently than safety pins, zip ties, and duct tape can. You can use hot glue to conveniently seal things into place, such as open boxes or ripped bags. As long as the items that need to be repaired won’t get exposed to high temperatures, they can easily be fixed with a little hot glue.

Staple gun

In case you do need to fasten things that will likely be exposed to heat, you could try using a staple gun. Similar to a hot glue gun, staple guns have a wide range of practical applications. You can use staple guns for anything from reupholstering furniture to affixing carpets to floorboards.

Visit Survival.news to learn about other items you can use for your cheapskate survival kit.

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