By Edsel Cook
Here’s why you should start using D size batteries again
Back in the days when flashlights guzzled power, the only battery fit for the job was the massive D size battery. Times have changed and LED flashlights either use smaller batteries or have their own internal battery. But the D size battery has some big advantages that preppers and survivalists can take advantage of, according to an […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Practice makes perfect: Choose to live like a survivalist before it becomes a necessity
Living the survivalist lifestyle is a big decision. Choosing to live off the grid entails making big changes, ranging from growing your own food to finding your own water source to downsizing your home for maximum efficiency. It isn’t easy by any means. But with those big changes come even bigger benefits. Becoming a survivalist […]
By Zoey Sky
Natural first-aid treatments of old can help you survive off-grid emergencies
While you’re in civilization, modern medicine is always within arm’s reach thanks to pharmacies, clinics, and hospitals. But if you’re trapped in the wilderness for a couple of days or longer, you’re going to need more than a simple first aid kit. In other parts of the world, certain tribes and cultures still rely on […]
By JD Heyes
More reason to be a prepper: Aid is arriving by the ton in Puerto Rico, but it’s NOT getting to the people because the logistics chain has been destroyed
The devastation to Puerto Rico caused by Hurricane Maria more than a week ago continues to provide object lessons in the necessity of becoming a prepper full-time and not just as some passing fad. You may recall that the storm completely knocked out the island’s entire electrical power grid. Besides that, there has been massive […]
By Mike Adams
Hurricane Irma headed for “catastrophic” impact… fuel shortages strand Floridians… no escape for many
There’s something to be said about getting out of the way when bad things are headed in your direction. In the same way that you should never stand on the railroad tracks and play chicken with an approaching train, you probably shouldn’t challenge a category-5 hurricane to a game of “who’s the bigger badass.” Truth […]
By Mike Adams
Preparedness supplies WIPED OUT across Florida as Hurricane Irma achieves 180 mph “beast” strength
Just in case Hurricane Harvey and the catastrophic Houston flooding incident didn’t wake up enough Americans to the importance of preparedness and survival planning, Hurricane Irma has just achieved “beast” status with 180 mph super winds that easily put it at a category 5 superstorm. According to the National Hurricane Center: Irma is a potentially […]
By Mike Adams
Hurricane Harvey prepper update: Sh#t just hit the fan in South Texas… non-preppers hurting badly as food, water, power and emergency services FAIL
News from inside Hurricane Harvey: Local towns are experiencing so much flooding that some are cutting off municipal water supplies. This is on top of the power grid outages, cell phone outages, store closures and widespread road closures that have taken place here in the last 12 hours. For the time being, everyone is on […]
By Lance D Johnson
Discredited attacks self-reliance, claiming people who live in rural areas are “delusional” moochers is quickly becoming one of the most discredited publications on the web. For 10 years, published the works of Henry Miller, a writer later discovered to be on Monsanto’s payroll, who published pro-Roundup propaganda for the site. Forbes currently publishes articles by Kavin Senapathy, a paid biotech operative who routinely spews hate for organic […]
By News Editors
Discredited says self-reliant homesteaders are “delusional” and “mooching” off “civil society”
It’s always interesting reading when someone smug and sanctimonious writes a clueless diatribe about another group of people being smug and sanctimonious. So when I saw that an economist for Moody’s and Forbes had written an op-ed calling self-reliant homesteaders “delusional,” I knew I’d be in for some misinformed hilarity. (Article by Daisy Luther republished from […]
By Tracey Watson
Top 10 overlooked survival tips you need to know today
Let’s face it: The world is a scary place to be living in right now. Many countries are dealing with serious political instability and the threat of terrorism; economic turmoil is pervasive worldwide; Dr. Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization, has warned that antibiotic-resistance might “mean the end of modern medicine as […]
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