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The stage is being set for a massive global rice shortage
This wasn’t supposed to happen. For months, I have been writing article after article about the rapidly growing global food crisis, but even though drought is devastating so many other crops all over the planet I thought that there would be plenty of rice in 2023. Unfortunately, I was wrong. As you will see below, some […]
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Biden sentences struggling Americans to even worse economic hardships
One of the most detrimental aspects of an inflationary or stagflationary crisis is that, in most cases, housing costs tend to rise while home sales fall. (Article by Brandon Smith republished from It might seem counterintuitive; one would assume that as sales fall so should prices, but this is the upside-down world of inflation. Certain commodities and products, usually […]
By News Editors
With water running out, California faces grim summer of dangerous heat, extreme drought
Heat waves. Severe drought. Extreme wildfires. (Article by Paul Duginski and Alex Wigglesworth republished from As Southern California braces for unprecedented drought restrictions, long-range forecasts are predicting a summer that will be fraught with record-breaking temperatures, sere landscapes and above-average potential for significant wildfires, particularly in the northern part of the state. “The dice are […]
By News Editors
They have lost control, and now the dollar is going to die
I think that they actually believed that they could get away with it. I think that they were actually convinced that they could create, borrow and spend trillions upon trillions of dollars without any serious long-term consequences. But they should have known better. The people running things are very highly “educated”, and after spending decades […]
By News Editors
How the next Great Depression will be different from the first? About 80% of population will die
As the economic carnage from the coronavirus pandemic continues, a long-forbidden word is starting to creep onto people’s lips: “depression.” (Article republished from In the 19th and early 20th centuries, there was no commonly accepted word for a slowdown in the economy. “Panic” was the term typically used for financial crises, while long slumps were […]
By News Editors
What is our country going to look like if millions of Americans start dying from the coronavirus?
Experts are warning that hundreds of millions of people around the globe could eventually catch COVID-19, and if that actually happens, millions of people are going to die. Globally, less than 10,000 people have died during this pandemic so far, and the level of fear we are witnessing is off the charts. The entire western […]
By News Editors
Wayne Allyn Root: Illegal immigration is the reason California is burning
California is collapsing in front of our eyes. Everyone with the money and common sense is running for their lives. The question is why is this happening to such rich and beautiful state? (Article by Wayne Allyn Root republished from Let’s start with a comparison of the taxes in California with my state of […]
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This is how the ‘resistance cabal’ within the US govt has put the entire country in existential danger
Among the most important findings of 2004, 2008, and 2017 reports by the congressionally mandated Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack is that millions of Americans could die and the loss of our electronic civilization to manmade or natural EMP catastrophe would be a national doomsday. Therefore, […]
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The Disaster Myth Narrative: No one panics, no one loots, no one goes hungry
I was recently doing some research about the aftermath of some natural disasters that took place here in America. I was shocked to find that the articles I was looking for – ones that I had read in the past – were pretty hard to find, but articles refuting the sought-for pieces were rampant. Not […]
By News Editors
This map shows where we don’t want to be when SHTF as big US cities already in a state of decay are transformed into post-apocalyptic wastelands
In this important new story by Michael Snyder over at The End Of The American Dream that the Drudge Report linked to on Wednesday, quite literally knocking Snyder’s website offline for several hours, he reports upon the worsening state of affairs in cities all across America which are quickly becoming uninhabitable hellholes even before the globalists ‘end […]
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