News & Articles By Jayson Veley
By Jayson Veley
The budget prepper: You need these 10 multipurpose items in your bug-out bag
For preppers, one of the biggest challenges is finding a balance between having enough survival items in your bugout bag and having too many items in your bugout bag. While you want to have enough supplies to be able to survive comfortably, you also don’t want to be traveling over long distances with an excessively […]
By Jayson Veley
Prepping lessons we’ve learned from Venezuela and what to start stockpiling now, BEFORE a collapse
For liberty-loving Americans and preppers alike, the socialist state of Venezuela is a perfect example of what the United States should avoid at all costs. Not only are the people of Venezuela living under the iron fist of government, but they are also having to fight day in and day out just to survive. It […]
By Jayson Veley
Sports gear that can be repurposed into protective gear in an emergency
While it’s true that there’s some great protective gear currently on the market that can be extremely helpful in a SHTF situation, this gear is often very expensive. A pair of Oakley Tactical shooting gloves, for instance, go for around $80, and Tactical Military knee pads will cost you roughly the same amount. Instead of […]
By Jayson Veley
What’s your contingency plan? 12 possible pitfalls that may await you when you bug out
You can’t possibly be a good prepper if you don’t take time to think about all of the challenges that you will likely face following a large-scale crisis. If you don’t consider the possibility of disease or illness, for instance, how can you possibly take the necessary steps to prepare and ultimately protect yourself from […]
By Jayson Veley
10 Bartering items to have when “S” really hits the fan
Following societal collapse, virtually every aspect of day-to-day life will change in the blink of an eye, from the way in which you get food to the way you stay warm on chilly nights. Another thing that is going to change dramatically is the value of certain objects – what might not be very valuable […]
By Jayson Veley
A smart guide to choosing the perfect emergency radio
Ideally, you’ll never have to use an emergency radio because you’ll never find yourself in a situation that calls for one. However, if SHTF, then having one of these devices in your possession will help you stay informed with what’s going on in your surrounding area, and could potentially even save your life. It’s important […]
By Jayson Veley
Bugging out after an EMP? Here are 7 must-have items
As any good prepper already knows, the effects of an EMP would be absolutely devastating. An EMP is capable of wiping out the entire electric grid in the blink of an eye and would send the entire country into darkness. This is exactly why you should focus on acquiring items for your bugout bag that won’t […]
By Jayson Veley
How to survive rogue cops when SHTF
When SHTF, you will almost immediately be faced with a number of obstacles and challenges unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. No longer will you be able to simply open your fridge for food or get some water from the tap. No longer will you be able to turn on the lights with the flip […]
By Jayson Veley
Important tips for organizing your emergency food supply
Stockpiling food and water in a small home or apartment can be quite difficult at times, but not if you know how to properly organize. Last month, published an article on this very topic, and provided preppers with some incredibly helpful advice regarding how to efficiently organize their emergency food supply. First and foremost, […]
By Jayson Veley
An EMP attack can be initiated from multiple sources: Tips on how to prepare
It’s important to understand two things about EMPs: that they have the ability to shut down America’s entire electrical grid and potentially result in significant loss of life, and that they can come from several different sources. As points out, an electromagnetic pulse can be caused by a lightning strike, a meteor hurling through […]
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