News & Articles By Jayson Veley
By Jayson Veley
10 Essential prepper items you must keep in your vehicle
You never know when you or your family might find yourselves in a survival situation. Perhaps one day, God forbid, a foreign nation attacks the United States and knocks the electrical grid offline, forcing Americans to fend for themselves. Or maybe, in a situation that is a bit more likely to happen, you may one […]
By Jayson Veley
Prepping the essentials is not enough: 10 Crucial skills to ensure your survival in a disaster
Every prepper knows that in order to survive a catastrophic event or a perilous situation, you have to have the right gear and equipment. But the truth is that even if you have all of the items checked off on your list of survival gear essentials, your chances of prospering in a post-societal world are […]
By Jayson Veley
Out of ammo? Make your own weapons out of what’s handy
If you’re serious about prepping, then you know how important it is to have not only an arsenal of firearms, but also extra ammunition to go along with them. But in the event of a national emergency where people are forced to fend for themselves, chances are your ammo will run out fairly quickly, especially […]
By Jayson Veley
There WILL be violence when SHTF: A realistic look at what to expect
It might not be something that many of us like to think about, but in the event that society falls apart and people are left to fend for themselves, the world we live in will become an incredibly dangerous place in the blink of an eye. To shed some light on just how dangerous the […]
By Jayson Veley
Choosing a firearm: What do you really need?
So you’re getting ready to purchase your very first gun, but you’re stuck asking yourself a question that you can’t seem to figure out the answer to – what type of firearm would be best for me? Indeed, this is something that’s very important to consider. On the one hand, you want a firearm that […]
By Jayson Veley
Doctors, teachers, electricians all fleeing Venezuela as failed socialist nation enters last chapter of epic collapse
The problem with liberals and progressives in the United States is that they are incapable of looking to other parts of the world to determine what works and what does not. Venezuela, for example, is a perfect example of what happens when the government believes that it should become more and more involved in the […]
By Jayson Veley
Bushcraft survival skills to teach your kids or grandkids
As a grandparent, teaching your grandchild survival skills is just about one of the kindest and most loving things that you can ever do. Not only will it provide the two of you with some quality bonding time, but it will provide your grandchild with the knowledge he or she needs in case they ever […]
By Jayson Veley
How prepared are you for a volcanic eruption?
When people think of natural disasters, nine times out of 10 it’s a blizzard, thunderstorm, or hurricane that comes to mind. Volcanic eruptions, on the other hand, typically aren’t considered very often, primarily because most people know full well that they will never be threatened by one. But, while you may never have to deal […]
By Jayson Veley
Considerations for setting up your bug out camp
As any serious prepper will tell you, choosing a bugout location isn’t as easy as some might think. Indeed, there are a number of different factors that must be taken into account, especially considering the fact that in a real-life survival situation, there are a million possible scenarios that could play out. Last month, Backdoor […]
By Jayson Veley
5 reasons why a revolver might be a better choice than an automatic pistol
There’s no denying the fact that nine times out of ten, auto pistols are the best types of firearms when it comes to defensive shooting. Not only are they reliable and well-made, but auto pistols are typically more accurate than other kinds of handguns as well. That being said, however, there are some advantages that […]
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