News & Articles By Darnel Fernandez
By Darnel Fernandez
India’s coronavirus lockdown devolves into a catastrophe
Hundreds of thousands of migrant laborers in India have started on long, grueling journeys on foot to get home after being rendered essentially jobless and homeless due to the nationwide lockdown ordered by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a bid to quell the spread of the coronavirus. Just last week, India’s prime minister […]
By Darnel Fernandez
What are the most important items to keep in your emergency stockpile?
When it comes to disasters, they can strike anywhere and at any time. Whether you’re worried about an oncoming storm or prepping yourself for a major SHTF scenario, it’s never a bad idea to prepare. One of the most essential things any prepper should know is how to establish their own stockpiles, especially when worse […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Living life on the road: How to turn your truck into a humble abode
There are a number of potential circumstances that could lead someone to abandon their home and start living in their car, from financial reasons to even disasters. In an SHTF scenario, you must always be ready to leave at a moment’s notice and bugging out using their vehicle is often the choice that some preppers […]
By Darnel Fernandez
London struggles to cope with an ‘explosion’ of coronavirus cases in the city: Prime Minister Johnson puts city on lockdown
A sudden surge of coronavirus cases has left multiple hospitals in London struggling to cope, leading to operating theaters being turned into alternative intensive care units to house the growing number of patients with COVID-19, according to a report by The Guardian. Health practitioners have been warning that the number of patients continues to rise every […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Here’s how to keep yourself clean when caught in a survival situation
When disaster strikes, nobody really knows how events would play out. When everything you’ve come to know turns upside down and you just want to get through the disaster alive, personal hygiene will usually be the last thing on your mind. However, cleanliness shouldn’t be overlooked even in the direst of situations. After all, personal […]
By Darnel Fernandez
5 Strategies you can use to secure your communications
When caught in an emergency, many people’s first reaction is to reach for their cellphone to call for help. According to data from the Pew Research Center, about 96% of Americans own a cellphone. In any emergency, communication is key if you want to keep yourself alive. However, cellphone service is unreliable at times, especially as […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Shelter, fire, water and food: The dos and don’ts of wilderness survival
Preparedness is survival. When disaster strikes, you might find yourself stuck out in the wilderness, which can be treacherous and quite unforgiving, so knowing exactly what to do when venturing out can up your chances of making it out alive. (h/t to How to survive out in the wilderness Wilderness survival skills are an important […]
By Darnel Fernandez
A crash course in prepping: 10 Beginner tips for preppers
The idea of becoming a full-fledged prepper may seem a little daunting, but even the most hardened of veterans had to start somewhere. Prepping has become quite mainstream over time and more people are becoming aware of the importance of preparing for an emergency or disaster. A good nudge to convince yourself to get started […]
By Darnel Fernandez
4 Survival foods to consider adding to your food pantry
Nowadays, it would be difficult to imagine a time when you’ll find yourself short on food. However, disasters are unpredictable and don’t discriminate — they can strike anywhere and at any time. Preppers often remedy this by stockpiling plenty of food to last them a long time. But this essential prepper skill requires a lot […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Coronavirus ravages North America: More US states report upswing in cases; even Canadian PM’s wife tests positive
The state of Florida has purchased 2,500 commercially available testing kits to increase the state’s testing capacity against the novel coronavirus, said Governor Ron DeSantis on Thursday. The purchased kits would allow healthcare facilities and labs all over Florida to test 625,000 people for the pandemic currently taking the world by storm. However, DeSantis also […]
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