In the middle of a hurricane, what do city dwellers LOOT? Sneakers, of course…

Regardless of which side of the political spectrum you are on, most of us can agree on the fact that looters are the scum of the earth. Every time there is a tragedy or natural disaster of some kind, these rats crawl out of their holes and exploit the suffering of others for their own personal gain. What’s worse is that often times the items being stolen by these looters aren’t essential to their own health and well-being. Needless to say, if it were things like food, water or medicine being taken from these stores, then it would at least be a bit more understandable. However, all too often this is not the case.

Just days ago, for example, WPLG local news reported on looters who were breaking into stores in Fort Lauderdale as Hurricane Irma plowed through the region. “Despite dangerous winds and heavy rain from Hurricane Irma, several looting incidents have been reported in Fort Lauderdale,” WPLG reported. “Local 10 cameras caught a group breaking into the Simon’s Sportswear on Sunrise Blvd. and Powerline Road. The group of about 8-9 people broke through the front window and were seen walking in and then walking out with stolen items.” WPLG also noted that another group, which actually may have been the same thugs who robbed the sports store, were caught looting a Footlocker in the same area.

It’s almost hard to believe how materialistic one would have to be to actually go out in the middle of a hurricane just to get their hands on sports apparel or a new pair of sneakers. In addition to the overwhelming amounts of greed and selfishness that these looters put on full display, it’s also incredibly cowardly for them to break into these stores at a time when the number of cops patrolling the streets was at a bare minimum. Had they committed these crimes in virtually any other situation, they would be thrown in jail and be forced to surrender their precious shoes.

But in recent months, looters haven’t just waited for hurricanes or other natural disasters before hitting the street and snatching anything they can get their hands on. Indeed, looting also occurs on a rather consistent basis whenever there are riots taking place, which are typically started by radical left wing groups like Antifa or Black Lives Matter. While the police are busy dispensing pepper spray and defending themselves against incoming projectiles, looters seize the opportunity to take what they can and then get out as quickly as possible like the cockroaches that they are (Related: Read about how to survive a pandemic when the pharmacies have been looted and antibiotics are wiped out.)

It’s really not much of a stretch to say that most of these looters are deadbeats who feel as though they are entitled to anything and everything. They want all of the valuables and shiny objects, but don’t believe in working for it. It really is a mentality that has been spreading like a plague for many years now, and has been a significant contributing factor in the slow and gradual decay of the civil society.

You’ll notice that when looters are caught in the act either in pictures or on video, much of the time they are on the younger side; rarely do they appear to be much older than 40 years old. This is a strong indication that the entitlement mentality is having a significant effect on America’s youth, as they continue to be taught, whether it’s inside of the classroom or while subjecting themselves to the lies of the mainstream media, that everyone else owes them something. Sadly, this can only mean trouble for the upcoming generation and generations yet born.

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