18 low-cost REPAIR items preppers are stockpiling to keep things running once the civil war begins

Survivalism isn’t simply about living like the end of the world is going to happen, as mainstream media would have you believe. It’s the ability to use nature to your advantage and ensure that you are always prepared for any situation. To that end, it is smart to always carry around a repair kit in your car and in your home. This kit should contain a variety of tools, but there are 18 must-have items that should be included.

  1. A zipper repair kit – A lot of us don’t think about this, but having this kit in your bag will save you a lot of headache. Remember that a lot of outdoor gear has zippers. Keeping these binding fasteners in tip-top shape will help make survival situations easier.
  2. Assorted plastic bags – Aim to have a pack of each varying size. Plastic bags are extremely versatile and can be used for things other than their originally intended purpose.
  3. Carabiners – These are widely-used in rope-intensive activities and prove to be crucial in emergency situations. Try to collect a set made from heavier material like steel or aluminum.
  4. Duct tape – This is the most obvious choice and a no-brainer for preppers. Duct tape can be used in a variety of ways. From repairing a tent to making a rope to splinting a broken tent pole, duct tape can fuse two things together for a short period of time.  
  5. Epoxy – These adhesives are preferred whenever a strong bond is necessary. For the most part, epoxy is used to bind construction materials together or protect surfaces from dirt and moisture. In an emergency situation, epoxy can be used to reinforce fasteners, strengthen joints in bolts, and even delay stress-induced cracking. Take note that epoxy releases harmful fumes when applied so use this only in a well-ventilated area.
  6. Epoxy putty – This is similar to epoxy but has a clay-like texture. These products are ideal for fixing anything that is leaking. You can use it to repair a hole in a canteen, for example.
  7. FiberFixThis repair wrap markets itself as “100 times stronger than duct tape,” being able to fuse heavy-duty hardware together using waterproof resin. While there are supporters for either repair tape, FiberFix is still a good addition to your prepper bag.
  8. Knife sharpener – Here’s a tip to remember: Never, ever, leave your house without having a sharpened blade. Of all things, a knife is one of the most important survival items to have. A dull blade, not so much. Make sure that your repair tool bag always has a knife sharpener in it.
  9. Paracord – This is an important survival item, with uses that are only limited by a lack of imagination. A few uses to take note of include: to use it as a splint, a suture, a splint, or even a makeshift stretcher.
  10. Pump rebuild kit for lanterns and stoves – During emergency situations, it is important to have a source of light and heat. Novice preppers typically have a portable stove or lantern with them, but often forget to include a pump repair kit. These kits are normally small and compact but can differ based on the brand you prefer.
  11. Safety pins – Another temporary fix for broken materials, safety pins come in a variety of sizes and it’s best to carry a few of each length. However, note that safety pins break and rust easily.
  12. Sealing tape for inflatables – Their intended use is for items like pool toys and air mattresses, which most people won’t have during SHTF situations. However, the tape can be used as an alternative adhesive in case you run out of any other form of tape.
  13. Sewing kit – Preppers know how to sew. This skill has applications in a lot of areas and the art of sewing is an essential. Remember to have heavy duty thread and needles in your kit, especially to repair items like a tarp or other thick items.
  14. Small nuts, bolts, and screws – You never know when you may need fasteners. Keep a collection of various sizes in your kit.
  15. Spare disposable butane lighter – Anyone who has been in the wild knows the power of fire. Always keep a spare lighter on hand to help kindle a fire.
  16. Spare mantles for portable lantern – Most people don’t realize how easily mantles break, particularly in portable items. It is recommended to keep at least two or three spare mantles for your lantern.
  17. Superglue – Another clear choice, most emergency situations require some form of adhesive, and many of them can be fixed temporarily with a dab or two of superglue.
  18. Wire ties (four- and eight-inch) – These can be used in a lot of ways and can be practical when you need a quick fix.

As you can see, the shared characteristic all these items have is versatility. Stock up on items that have more than one function. (Related: 8 common prepper mistakes to avoid.)

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